Directions are listed below in various formats.
Our address for GPS systems is 900 Spring Street, Johnson City, TN 37604
Once you are here you can park on many of the streets (but look for a few areas where city signs are posted which prohibit parking) or
You may use either parking lot: Pine Street area lot or Maple Street area parking lot.
There are multiple entrances to the building(s). For Sunday mornings, the doors are unlocked after 8:40 am. At other times, the "Connector" Doors will be unlocked for scheduled meetings and events. For the safety of the children in the Early Learning Center as well as all who enter our building, you may find the other doors locked. Please use the connector entrance. Church members and Early Learning Center parents will have access by way of a fingerprint scanner. There is also a phone intercom system to page someone to let you in if needed.
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From I-26:
Take the ETSU/ELIZABETHTON Exit #24 (US-321, TN-67). Turn left onto US-321 S (TN-67 W, Milligan Hwy) (0.3 miles). Turn right onto S Roan St. (0.6 miles). Turn left onto W Maple St (0.1 miles). You are at 900 Spring St, Johnson City, TN 37604-6846.
- OR -
From Highway 11E:
Turn right onto State of Franklin toward the Johnson City Medical Center / ETSU. Go to Buffalo Street (at old train depot) and turn right. Go to W. Pine Street and turn left. One of First Church's parking lots is in the middle of that block, you may park on Pine, Spring or Maple Streets, or parking is available in the Maple Street parking lot adjacent to a church annex building which used to be the Holston Conference Office.
Take the ETSU/ELIZABETHTON Exit #24 (US-321, TN-67). Turn left onto US-321 S (TN-67 W, Milligan Hwy) (0.3 miles). Turn right onto S Roan St. (0.6 miles). Turn left onto W Maple St (0.1 miles). You are at 900 Spring St, Johnson City, TN 37604-6846.
- OR -
From Highway 11E:
Turn right onto State of Franklin toward the Johnson City Medical Center / ETSU. Go to Buffalo Street (at old train depot) and turn right. Go to W. Pine Street and turn left. One of First Church's parking lots is in the middle of that block, you may park on Pine, Spring or Maple Streets, or parking is available in the Maple Street parking lot adjacent to a church annex building which used to be the Holston Conference Office.