Time Talents Service Witness: Offering yourself through giving time for volunteer work or specific talents such as music, leadership, teaching, administration, and in service to others through the church. If you have an interest, please contact one of our pastors or staff person. You can also call or email the church office ([email protected] or 423-928-9222)
Financial Giving: You can share a portion of what God has blessed you with by giving to His church by -Cash -Check -Electronic Giving via Direct Debit or Credit Card or Bank Accounts -Online Giving through the website link, through QR Code, or other web access points.
This can be done in person, online, at worship through the offering or by delivering your gift to the church office or treasurer's office. You can also mail a check to the church at 900 Spring Street, Johnson City, TN 37604.
Electronic gifts can be one time, automatically scheduled weekly, monthly or otherwise; these can be changed at any time through your personal registered account.
Additional giving options include Endowment Gifts - Leave a Legacy. Contact the church office to be directed to the Endowment Committee.
Categories for Giving include general budget, the newly established Building Fund (for future facility capital expenses), special missions, memorials, honorariums, youth funds, children's funds and more.
Good stewardship through Financial Gifts: tithes (what is expected in giving back just a portion of what God has given you) offerings (giving above and beyond the expected)
First United Methodist Church has a Standard Operating Budget which is formulated and somewhat based on the annual stewardship drive. The standard budget now includes the mission budget.
If you have any questions about the budget, the missions, the building fund, other designated giving, endowment giving or other financial considerations please contact our church staff including the treasurer, the pastors, or church lay leader, or finance committee chairperson.