General Announcements
Chancel Flowers
If you would like to place flowers in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, please let the church office know
Interested in Church Membership?
Recently we just had a new members introduction class for several people interested in membership. We will have another one soon. Please contact the church office, the Pastors, or any church member if you are interested in becoming a member at our church. Look for meetings called 1st Things First.
There is a place for you in the First Family!
UMW Mission Giving Opportunity
If you would like to honor someone by making a gift donation of $5.00 or more in their name to UMW Missions, there are cards available on the Mission Table after the 10:30 service. Donation Cards are available for various occasions: birthday, baby, congratulations, thank you, and in memory.
In addition UMW has packages of 10 notecards with FUMC sketches and envelopes for only $5.00 per package. Stop by the Missions Table after church or contact Nancy McMann, UMW Treasurer, to get your donation cards or packaged note cards.
In addition UMW has packages of 10 notecards with FUMC sketches and envelopes for only $5.00 per package. Stop by the Missions Table after church or contact Nancy McMann, UMW Treasurer, to get your donation cards or packaged note cards.
Make FUMC Your Home Page or Bookmark as a Favorite!
To add a bookmark or make a favorite in your browser follow directions in your browser's help file on "adding a favorite".
Fingerprint Scan Door Entry System "you can have the touch"
Need your finger scanned for the door entry system? Come to the Church between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and Kathie Battista has offered to register you and your fingerprint! If you want to make an appointment, please call ELC at 926-0700.
H a n d i c a p p e d P a r k i n g !
additional spaces reserved now on the church building side entire block of Spring Street - please leave these for our members and guests needing entrance at the connector.
The Upper Room Daily Devotional Guide
These printed booklets (both regular size and large print editions) are typically available the Sunday prior to the first week of each two month edition. They are located in the narthex and in the connector reception area.
Also don't forget, you can have the devotional for each day sent to your email if you choose - see the Devotion Guide Tab and click on the appropriate section.
Also don't forget, you can have the devotional for each day sent to your email if you choose - see the Devotion Guide Tab and click on the appropriate section.