Stewardship Campaign
Posted November 12, 2012
Stewardship Note:
"We are pleased with the results, to date, with our Stewardship Campaign. Pledges are up almost double over last year and the amount pledged is up $125,000+. Our goal was $700,000. and we are over half way, noted on the 'thermometer' in the reception areas of the Church. If you have not returned your Pledge Card or your Time/Talent Survey please do so. Calvin Robinson stated in a recent Bible Study "GOD will do great things in our Church, or not, IT IS UP TO US!" His statement is relevant to all of us in our service to God."
Your Stewardship Committee
Stewardship Note:
"We are pleased with the results, to date, with our Stewardship Campaign. Pledges are up almost double over last year and the amount pledged is up $125,000+. Our goal was $700,000. and we are over half way, noted on the 'thermometer' in the reception areas of the Church. If you have not returned your Pledge Card or your Time/Talent Survey please do so. Calvin Robinson stated in a recent Bible Study "GOD will do great things in our Church, or not, IT IS UP TO US!" His statement is relevant to all of us in our service to God."
Your Stewardship Committee
Posted October 15, 2012
Our church's Annual General Budget for 2013 will be finalized in November. Our projected goal is $700.000.00. If you would like to see the line items for our budget and where the dollars go PLEASE ask to see a copy of the budget! There are "Steeple Thermometers" located in our Church showing how close we are, through your pledges, to our goal.
If you have not submitted your pledge or your Time - Talent Survey please do so. If you do not wish to divulge your amount of giving but intend to give please let the Church know you have received your Pledge Packet.
God wants our heart, 100%...but only wants a portion returned to Him of what he has entrusted, LOANED to us.
Please read the story of the Widow's Mite [Mark 12: 41-44 and Luke 21: 1- 4] and talk to God about what it means to you!
- - - Your Stewardship Committee
Stewardship Skit
Posted October 6, 2012
Are You Tip Giver, Dues-Payer, or Tither?
As a nation, we are not generous to our Churches, to God. By any Christian standard of giving, we are stingy [how are we as individuals?]. These are harsh words. But, we need to face the truth about our giving habits.
Jesus made it clear in the parable of the widow's mite that there is only one yardstick by which the generosity of a gift can be
measured: what proportion of the giver's total wealth does it represent? When we hold this yardstick against our contributions, the results are pretty shocking.
Tithing is important because it is symptomatic of genuine, wholehearted Christian commitment. If Church members become tithers, instead of tippers or dues-payers, the Church would suddenly become alive. [taken from Louis Cassels article in TOGETHER magazine in the early 1960s].
Read: Luke 21: 1-4
- - - Your Stewardship Committee
Posted October 2, 2012
Pledge Cards and Time/Talent Surveys
were distributed at the Stewardship BBQ on 9/30/12 and were mailed to those not in attendance.
Please return the card and survey
in the stamped, self addressed envelope to the Church by
October 14, 2012.
Please read Mark 12: 41-44 and talk with God about your commitment and what we each can do for our Church!
Posted September 10, 2012:
"We are entering a critical time in our Church in developing our Budget for 2013. Our Church needs each member to devote their Time, Talent and Treasure so we can Celebrate God's Faithfulness and return to Him a portion of what he has given to us. Please Pray for our Church and your commitment as you consider your pledge for next year!"
Scripture reading {2 Corinthians 9:6-13}.
---your Stewardship Committee
Posted August 24, 2012
Stewardship Thought .... A Prayer of Contenment :
Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have,
to remember that I don't need most of what I want,
and that joy is found in simplicity and
generosity. Read Ecclesiastes 5:10
Posted August 6, 2012
Posted July 24, 2012
"When left on our own we are entrusted to accept the responsibility to take care of something belonging
to someone else. "
Is this what
1 Corinthians 4:1-2
is saying?
to someone else. "
Is this what
1 Corinthians 4:1-2
is saying?
Thoughts on Stewardship
Our church will begin the Stewardship Campaign during the late summer weeks this year. Our committee will be providing much more information coming soon. Before the campaign actually begins, the committee has thoughts for your consideration. This will be posted on the website and in the bulletin each Sunday. Take a few minutes to think about stewardship and you.
~~ Your Stewardship Committee: Jim Heaton, Novice Gross, Joette Street,
and Art Eckerson
Our church will begin the Stewardship Campaign during the late summer weeks this year. Our committee will be providing much more information coming soon. Before the campaign actually begins, the committee has thoughts for your consideration. This will be posted on the website and in the bulletin each Sunday. Take a few minutes to think about stewardship and you.
~~ Your Stewardship Committee: Jim Heaton, Novice Gross, Joette Street,
and Art Eckerson